This section is dedicated to anyone who has never flown a glider, or has always wanted to but had no idea where to start. This is for you!
A very thorough instructional video of a pre-flight check for the 2-33 (Video can be expanded)
Study Guides to download or view online:
Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge
Videos covering emergency situations
Decision Making Process in a Glider Emergency
How glider’s fly and how they’re different than powered aircraft
Instructor’s Notebook – a lot of very good info!

Very useful youtube videos!
Gliding Theory: Introduction to Controls
Weight & Balance calculation for Glider
Formula For Lift and Aerodynamics Explained
Coordinated rolling to and from moderate angles of bank
A series of CUGC videos – educational
This will help for the airport portion of the written
This link is a bit long. But the intro is a very good explanation.
This link has info on Condor 2. The gliding simulator which is a useful tool. Plenty of info and links to the Condor website.